Q: Are teens with ADHD at greater risk for car accidents?
A: Yes. Motor vehicle crashes kill 1.25 million people around the world each year. ADHD is the cause of higher risk for drivers, especially those in their teens. Why? Because drivers need to use of a wide variety of attention and thinking tasks, at the same time, to drive safely. In a new study of 2.3 million people, Chang et al. found that inattention, impulse control, and excessive talking while driving put people at greater risk for accidents.
Q: Is there a way to reduce the risk of a car accident for teens with ADHD?
A: Yes. The same study shows that treatment can significantly reduce risks of accidents, so much that 1 out of 5 of those accidents can be prevented if treatment is sought. Medication was shown to help while other natural treatments are available that have been proven equally effective. Neurofeedback treatment is endorsed by the AAP as #1 Best treatment for ADHD making it the go to resource for those people who do not want medication. Improved brain pattern can alleviate the symptoms that cause the distracted driving and thus the accidents.
Dr. Patricia Leigh is a Neurodevelopmentalist and specializes in helping children and adults overcome their struggles. Find out more: leighbrainandspine.com // (919) 919-401-9933