Q: Can Alzheimer’s be passed down to family members.
A: It is not so much passed down as it is that your brain is very much like your parents’ brains. If your parents suffer from Alzheimer’s or Dementia, your similar brain pattern is at greater risk for slowing down prematurely and ultimately brain cell death. These two factors cause memory loss and problems thinking.
Q: Is there anything that can be done to prevent Alzheimer’s or Dementia?
A: Yes, neurofeedback is designed to improve the structural health of brain cells and keep them working at top efficiency to ward of the onset of memory and thinking problems. It is proven by science (check out one study below). The best thing to do is have a brain map to see if your brain is at-risk for dementia and, if warranted, Neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback can be the difference maker, especially if you are the child or grandchild of a (grand)parent with Alzheimer’s. You can do your part to stop Alzheimer’s in its tracks in your family.
Dr. Trish Leigh of Leigh Brain & Spine
Neurofeedback Training Induces Changes in White and Gray Matter, Ghaziri et al., 2013
Efficacy of neurofeedback for executive and memory function in dementia, Berman et al., 2009